Malhotra Manoj K.

Manoj K. Malhotra

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Found 9 papers in total
Comparisons between drum–buffer–rope and material requirements planning: a case study
Drum–Buffer–Rope (DBC) is an alternative approach to manufacturing...
The relationship between technology and performance: a meta-analysis of technology models
The effective deployment of technology within an organizational context is of integral...
Strategic manufacturing planning systems and their linkage to planning system success
Academics and practitioners alike are focusing more attention on manufacturing...
Trade-offs among the elements of flexibility: A comparison from the automotive industry
Flexibility has long been recognized as a manufacturing capability that has the...
The effect of push and pull lot splitting approaches on lot traceability and material handling costs in stochastic flow shop environments
This study evaluates how the procedures followed in splitting job lots on the shop...
Decision making using multiple models
Many real world business situations require classification decisions that must often...
Modeling simultaneous worker learning and forgetting in dual resource constrained systems
This paper addresses issues related to modeling worker learning and forgetting effects...
Evaluation of scheduling rules with commensurate customer priorities in job shops
Mucht of the existing job shop scheduling literature has focussed on scheduling rules...
A model for scheduling postal distribution employees
This paper describes the design and analysis of a generalizable linear programming...
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