David Israel

Israel David

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Found 14 papers in total
A new algorithm for the multi-item exponentially discounted optimal selection problem
We approach the classical problem of optimal selection, where n identical units have...
On estimating the common point of intersection of curves
We propose an aparametric approximation technique to estimate the point of...
On conducting simultaneous versus sequential engineering activities in risky R&D
We consider development projects in which the activities can be classified in two...
Safe distances
This work highlights the problem in military operations of setting safety limits for...
Asset-selling problems with holding costs
Sequential stochastic assignment problems now comprise a significant literature that...
On the principle of ‘false ranging’ in weaponry
Suppose you are an army commander who is requested to join a multinational force,...
A simple suboptimal algorithm for system maintenance under partial observability
We suggest a heuristic solution procedure for Partially Observable Markov Decision...
On optimal aiming to hit a linear target
Typically weapon systems have an inherent systematic error and a random error for each...
Explicit results for a class of asset-selling problems
We consider the following optimal selection problem: There are n identical assets...
One-attribute sequential assignment match processes in discrete time
We consider a sequential matching problem where M offers arrive in a random stream and...
A dynamic-programming approach to continuous-review obsolescent inventory problems
Inventory models of modern production and service operations should take into...
An efficient heuristic for a partially observable Markov decision process of machine replacement
There is, so far, only limited practical experience applying solution schemes for...
Brownian analysis of a buffered-flow system in the face of sudden obsolescence
The authors consider a stochastic flow system with an intermediate storate buffer....
Lanchester modeling and the Biblical account of the Battles of Gibeah
A very basic Lanchester model is given to fit the story in Judges 20 about the...
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