Hertz A.

A. Hertz

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Found 14 papers in total
Tabaris: An exact algorithm based on tabu search for finding a maximum independent set in a graph
A technique for finding in a graph an independent set with maximum cardinality is...
A tabu search algorithm for the split delivery vehicle routing problem
We describe a tabu search algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with split...
A variable neighborhood descent algorithm for the undirected capacitated arc routing problem
The undirected capacitated are routing problem (CARP) arises naturally in several...
Heuristics for minimizing tool switches when scheduling part types on a flexible machine
This article considers a tool loading problem whose objective is to minimize the...
A taxonomy of evolutionary algorithms in combinatorial optimization
This paper shows how evolutionary algorithms can be described in a concise, yet...
A colourful look on evolutionary techniques
Evolutionary techniques are solution methods inspired from natural evolution. They...
Ants can colour graphs
In the last few years researchers have shown how insect colonies can be seen as a...
A multi-criteria tabu search approach to cell formation problems in group technology with multiple objectives
Group technology techniques are not widely used in many manufacturing systems. Several...
Tabu search for large scale timetabling problems
Tabu search techniques are adapted to timetabling problems. The objective is to reduce...
COSINE: A new graph coloring algorithm
COSINE is a graph coloring algorithm which has been especially designed for producing...
PRAO: Computer aided network planning
PRAO is an efficient software which has been developed by Electricité de...
Tabaris: An exact algorithm based on Tabu Search for finding a maximum independent set in a graph
A technique for finding in a graph an independent set with maximum cardinality is...
Tabu Search techniques-A tutorial and an application to neural networks
Tabu Search is a general heuristic procedure for global optimization. Based on simple...
STABULUS: A technique for finding stable sets in large graphs with tabu search
Numerical experiments with tabu search have been carried out for constructing...
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