Love C.E.

C.E. Love

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Found 8 papers in total
An optimal maintenance policy for skipping imminent preventive maintenance for systems experiencing random failures
In this study we investigate systems that experience random failures and establish...
A discrete semi-Markov decision model to determine the optimal repair/replacement policy under general repairs
The state of a machine (system) that may experience failures is characterized by the...
A simple recursive Markov chain model to determine the optimal replacement policies under general repairs
A repairable system (machine) is subject to failure. At each failure epoch, a general...
Utilizing Weibull failure rates in repair limit analysis for equipment replacement/preventive maintenance decisions
Repair limit analysis was originally proposed as a methodology for determining whether...
Note on utilizing stochastic optimal control in aggregate production planning
This note summarizes research into the use of stochastic optimal control in solving...
Classifying and controlling errors in forecasting using multiple criteria goal programming
This paper is concerned with the use of multiple criteria goal programming as a method...
Acceptable quality level versus zero-defects: Some empirical evidence
Within the literature on quality control there is a debate between two competing views...
Simulating nonhomogeneous Poisson processes with proportional intensities
The purpose of this research is to investigate simulation algorithms for...
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