Bixby Robert E.

Robert E. Bixby

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Found 6 papers in total
Solving real-world linear programs: A decade and more of progress
This paper is an invited contribution to the 50th anniversary issue of the journal...
Computational experience with parallel mixed integer programming in a distributed environment
Numerical experiments for a parallel implementation of a branch-and-bound mixed 0/1...
Parallelizing the dual simplex method
We study the parallelization of the steepest-edge version of the dual simplex...
Solving a truck dispatching scheduling problem using branch-and-cut
A branch-and-cut integer programming solver is developed for a class of structured 0/1...
Recovering an optimal LP basis from an interior point solution
An important issue in the implementation of interior point algorithms for linear...
Very large-scale linear programming: A case study in combining interior point and simplex methods
Experience with solving a 12,753,313 variable linear program is described. This...
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