Vetschera Rudolf

Rudolf Vetschera

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Found 19 papers in total
Parameters of social preference functions: measurement and external validity
Most of the existing literature on social preferences either tests whether certain...
A comparison of representations for discrete multi‐criteria decision problems
Discrete multi‐criteria decision problems with numerous Pareto‐efficient...
A PROMETHEE‐based approach to portfolio selection problems
In this paper, we study the use of PROMETHEE outranking methods for portfolio...
A note on scale transformations in the PROMETHEE V method
As already noted by , the PROMETHEE V method for multi‐attribute analysis of...
Strict preference and sensitivity analysis in additive utility functions with interval data
Several approaches in the literature on multi-criteria decision making deal with...
Entropy and the value of information
Decision analysis and information theory have developed different approaches to...
Estimating negotiator performance without preference information
In empirical studies of negotiation support systems, it is often not possible to...
Decentralized planning for multiobjective resource allocation and project selection
Complex decision problems like the selection of R&D projects often involve several...
Algorithmical approaches to business process design
The paper introduces formal models of the business process design problem, which can...
Entropy and the value of information
Decision analysis and information theory have developed different approaches to...
A multi-criteria agency model with incomplete preference information
We analyze an agency model in which the principal has only partial information on the...
Economic analysis of network organizations: Possibilities, limitations and open questions
In this paper, we survey economic models of network organizations. Two levels of...
Multicriteria agency theory
This paper extends standard agency theoretic models to explicitly take into account...
A recursive algorithm for volume-based sensitivity analysis of linear decision models
Sensitivity measures for linear models using volume in parameter space have been...
A preference-preserving projection technique for MCDM
The paper introduces a new method for the graphical representation of multicriteria...
Estimating aspiration levels from discrete choices-Computational techniques and experiences
This paper discusses the problem of estimating aspiration or reference levels in...
Feedback-oriented group decision support
The paper introduces a feedback-oriented approach to group decision support. This...
Composite alternatives in group decision support
Decision theory models of group decision processes usually assume a given set of...
A note on scalarizing functions under changing sets of criteria
The paper shows that a scalarizing function widely used with the reference point...
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