A representation of rule-based types of reasoning by means of an abstract dynamic system development

A representation of rule-based types of reasoning by means of an abstract dynamic system development

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Article ID: iaor19931898
Country: Poland
Volume: 17
Start Page Number: 35
End Page Number: 54
Publication Date: Oct 1991
Journal: Systems Science
Keywords: petri nets

The paper presents the analytical approach to representation of rule-based reasoning. It consists in modification of an abstract discrete dynamic system generally describing the structure and dynamics of regular Petri nets. The respective algorithm is based on automatic analysis of system structure. After a small modification the system is able to describe binary and fuzzy Petri nets. Thus, its structure can express knowledge representation in terms of the set of statements and of the rules relating these statements. Automatic development of such system dynamics based on a modification of the general decision support algorithm makes automatic evaluation of rules and truth propagation possible. This process can therefore be understood as representation of deductive rule-based reasoning.


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