Design and implementation of communication patterns using parallel objects

Design and implementation of communication patterns using parallel objects

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Article ID: iaor2017935
Volume: 12
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 69
End Page Number: 91
Publication Date: Mar 2017
Journal: International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling
Authors: ,
Keywords: computers: information

Within an environment of parallel objects, an approach of structured parallel programming with the paradigm of object‐orientation is presented here. The proposal includes a programming method based on high level parallel compositions or HLPCs (CPANs in Spanish). C++ classes and CPANs are syntactically alike and differ in concurrency mechanisms. Different parallel programming patterns, synchronisation operations and new constructs like futures have been discussed throughout the paper. To achieve software‐reusability, a series of predefined patterns that use object‐oriented programming concepts have been presented. Concurrency related constraints on process synchronisation are set by only resorting to maxpar, mutex, sync primitives in the application code. By means of the method application, the implementation of commonly used parallel communication patterns is explained to finally present a library of classes for C++ applications that use POSIX threads.


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