On cycle maxima, first passage problems, and extreme value theory for queues

On cycle maxima, first passage problems, and extreme value theory for queues

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Article ID: iaor19931609
Country: United States
Volume: 8
Start Page Number: 421
End Page Number: 458
Publication Date: Nov 1992
Journal: Stochastic Models
Authors: ,
Keywords: stochastic processes

The distribution of the maximum equ1 of the virtual waiting time during a cycle C is studied for a variety of queueing models. For the equ2 queue, the idea is a generalization of the ladder height representation of the steady-state limit equ3, and the results are explicit in terms of the failure rate equ4 and the density. For queues with a general Markovian arrival process and phase-type service times, the basic idea is to represent the distribution of equ5 by means of a multivariate version equ6 of the failure rate which again is related to generalize ladder heights. The fundamental step in the evaluation of equ7 is the determination of a set of first passage probabilities, which can be done either by solving a set of linear equations, or by deriving a matrix Ricatti differential equation having an explicit matrix-exponential solution; both approaches require the steady-state characteristics.


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