A New Characterization of Pk -Free Graphs

A New Characterization of Pk -Free Graphs

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Article ID: iaor20162567
Volume: 75
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 205
End Page Number: 217
Publication Date: May 2016
Journal: Algorithmica
Authors: ,
Keywords: optimization, heuristics

Let G equ1 be a connected P k equ2 ‐free graph, k 4 equ3 . We show that G equ4 admits a connected dominating set that induces either a P k 2 equ5 ‐free graph or a graph isomorphic to P k 2 equ6 . In fact, every minimum connected dominating set of G equ7 has this property. This yields a new characterization for P k equ8 ‐free graphs: a graph G equ9 is P k equ10 ‐free if and only if each connected induced subgraph of G equ11 has a connected dominating set that induces either a P k 2 equ12 ‐free graph, or a graph isomorphic to C k equ13 . We present an efficient algorithm that, given a connected graph G equ14 , computes a connected dominating set X equ15 of G equ16 with the following property: for the minimum k equ17 such that G equ18 is P k equ19 ‐free, the subgraph induced by X equ20 is P k 2 equ21 ‐free or isomorphic to P k 2 equ22 . As an application our results, we prove that Hypergraph 2Colorability can be solved in polynomial time for hypergraphs whose vertex‐hyperedge incidence graphs is P 7 equ23 ‐free.


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