Third party logistics orchestrator role in reverse logistics and closed-loop supply chains

Third party logistics orchestrator role in reverse logistics and closed-loop supply chains

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Article ID: iaor201525484
Volume: 18
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 200
End Page Number: 215
Publication Date: Jun 2014
Journal: International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management
Authors: , ,
Keywords: manufacturing industries

This paper aims to propose a theoretical framework to study 3PLs changing role towards sustainable service offerings in reverse logistics (RL) and closed‐loop supply chains (CLSCs). RL and CLSCs are the latest emerging concept that can help firms to achieve their sustainability objectives. Firms with or without RL and CLSCs capabilities may outsource several or full activities from the 3PLs. Nonetheless, firms are still facing limited service coverage from 3PLs and that are forcing them to source the service from other multiple service providers. Through role changes as a service 'orchestrator', appropriate full services with the best practices at the maximum efficiencies in RL and CLSCs are expected to be served to customers. Customers on the other hand can reap the benefits by having to deal its supply chain as a single entity so that the focus of building the efficiency will be much easier and effective.


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