Industrial energy efficiency is of paramount importance both for conserving energy resources and reducing CO2 emissions. In this paper, we compare specific energy consumption among countries in fossil power generation, steel, and cement sectors. The evaluations were conducted using common system boundaries, allocation, and calculation methods. In addition, we disaggregate within sectors, such as with blast furnace–basic oxygen furnace (BF–BOF) steel and scrap‐based electric arc furnace (Scrap‐EAF) steel. The results reveal that characteristics vary by sub‐sector. Regional differences in specific energy consumption are relatively large in the power, BF–BOF steel, and cement sectors. For coal power generation and BF–BOF steel production, continual maintenance and rehabilitation are of key importance. We confirm these key factors identified in the previous work on our estimated numerical values. In BF–BOF steel production, corrections for hot metal ratios (pig iron production per unit of BOF crude steel production) and quality of raw materials have a large effect on the apparent specific energy consumption. Available data is not yet sufficient for straightforward evaluation of the steel and cement sectors.