Solution of large-scale strictly convex Linear Complementarity Problems

Solution of large-scale strictly convex Linear Complementarity Problems

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Article ID: iaor1993699
Country: Portugal
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 31
End Page Number: 51
Publication Date: Jun 1991
Journal: Investigao Operacional
Authors: ,
Keywords: complementarity

The Linear Complementarity Problem (LCP) consists of finding vectors z∈Rn and w∈Rn such that w=q+Mz, z∈0, w∈0 and zTw=0, where q∈Rn and M is a square matrix of order n. The LCP is strictly convex if its matrix M is (symmetric or unsymmetric) positive definite. In this paper the use of (single and block) principal pivoting algorithms for the solution of large-scale strictly convex LCPs is discussed. A computational study indicates that block principal pivoting algorithms are highly recommendable to solve these LCPs and are in general superior over other alternative techniques.


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