The O(n3) algorithm for a special case of the maximum cost-to-time ratio cycle problem and its coherence with an eigenproblem of a matrix

The O(n3) algorithm for a special case of the maximum cost-to-time ratio cycle problem and its coherence with an eigenproblem of a matrix

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Article ID: iaor1993662
Country: Germany
Volume: 36
Start Page Number: 417
End Page Number: 422
Publication Date: Sep 1992
Journal: Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (Heidelberg)

Let two equ1matrices be given, namely a real matrix equ2and a (0, 1)-matrix equ3. For a cyclic permutation equ4of a subset of equ5, the cost-to-time ratio weight of equ6, as equ7equ8. This paper presents an equ9algorithm for finding equ10, the maximum cost-to-time ratio weight of the matrices A and T. Moreover a generalised eigenproblem is proprosed.


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