Robust competence assessment for job assignment

Robust competence assessment for job assignment

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Article ID: iaor20142019
Volume: 238
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 630
End Page Number: 644
Publication Date: Oct 2014
Journal: European Journal of Operational Research
Authors: , ,
Keywords: scheduling, combinatorial optimization

Allocating the right person to a task or job is a key issue for improving quality and performance of achievements, usually addressed using the concept of ‘competences’. Nevertheless, providing an accurate assessment of the competences of an individual may be in practice a difficult task. We suggest in this paper to model the uncertainty on the competences possessed by a person using a possibility distribution, and the imprecision on the competences required for a task using a fuzzy constraint, taking into account the possible interactions between competences using a Choquet integral. As a difference with comparable approaches, we then suggest to perform the allocation of persons to jobs using a robust optimisation approach, allowing to minimise the risk taken by the decision maker. We first apply this framework to the problem of selecting a candidate within n for a job, then extend the method to the problem of selecting c candidates for j jobs (cj) using the leximin criterion.


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