Generalized degrees and Menger path systems

Generalized degrees and Menger path systems

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Article ID: iaor1993624
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 37/38
Issue: 1/5
Start Page Number: 179
End Page Number: 191
Publication Date: Jul 1992
Journal: Discrete Applied Mathematics
Authors: , ,
Keywords: networks: path

For positive integers d and m, let PdÅ,m(G) denote the property that between each pair of vertices of the graph G, there are m internally disjoint paths of length at most d. For a positive integer t, a graph G satisfies the minimum generalized degree condition δt(G)≥s if the cardinality of the union of the neighborhoods of each set of t vertices of G is at least s. Generalized degree conditions that insure that PdÅ,m(G) is satisfied are investigated. For example, if for fixed positive integers t≥5, d≥5t2, and m≥2, an m-connected graph G of order n satisfies the generalized degree condtion δt(G)≥(t/(t+1))(5n/(d+2))+(m-1)d+3t2, then for n sufficiently large G has property PdÅ,m(G). Also, if the order of magnitude of δt(G) is decreased, then PdÅ,m(G) will not hold; so the result is sharp in terms of order of magnitude of δt(G).


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