A mean field model for a class of garbage collection algorithms in flash-based solid state drives

A mean field model for a class of garbage collection algorithms in flash-based solid state drives

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Article ID: iaor2014807
Volume: 77
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 149
End Page Number: 176
Publication Date: Jun 2014
Journal: Queueing Systems
Keywords: artificial intelligence

Garbage collection (GC) algorithms play a key role in reducing the write amplification in flash‐based solid state drives, where the write amplification affects the lifespan and speed of the drive. This paper introduces a mean field model to assess the write amplification and the distribution of the number of valid pages per block for a class C equ1 of GC algorithms. Apart from the Random GC algorithm, class C equ2 includes two novel GC algorithms: the d equ3Choices GC algorithm, that selects d equ4 blocks uniformly at random and erases the block containing the least number of valid pages among the d equ5 selected blocks, and the Random++ GC algorithm, that repeatedly selects another block uniformly at random until it finds a block with a lower than average number of valid blocks. Using simulation experiments, we show that the proposed mean field model is highly accurate in predicting the write amplification (for drives with N = 50 , 000 equ6 blocks). We further show that the d equ7Choices GC algorithm has a write amplification close to that of the Greedy GC algorithm even for small d equ8 values, e.g., d = 10 equ9 , and offers a more attractive trade‐off between its simplicity and its performance than the Windowed GC algorithm introduced and analyzed in earlier studies. The Random++ algorithm is shown to be less effective as it is even inferior to the FIFO algorithm when the number of pages b equ10 per block is large (e.g., for b 64 equ11 ).


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