A comparative analysis of the usage and infusion of wiki and non‐wiki‐based knowledge management systems

A comparative analysis of the usage and infusion of wiki and non‐wiki‐based knowledge management systems

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Article ID: iaor201111627
Volume: 12
Issue: 4
Start Page Number: 335
End Page Number: 355
Publication Date: Dec 2011
Journal: Information Technology and Management
Keywords: innovation, computers: information

Antecedents of adoption and diffusion in time‐honored models such as the technology acceptance model and innovation diffusion theory may not provide sufficient measures for newer Web 2.0 technologies such as wikis. This research examines two potential extensions to the basic tenets of user acceptance: reciprocity expectation and personal innovativeness in information technology (IT). The research also examines an advancing technology: wiki technology‐based knowledge management systems. Based on the results of an online survey, partial least squares analysis is used to evaluate the proposed model and provide comparative results for traditional knowledge management systems and wikis. Of the 170 respondents, 46 indicated wiki‐based systems as their primary knowledge management system, while 124 indicated non‐wiki‐based systems as the primary system. The results indicate the set of factors influencing usage are different than the factors influencing infusion. Further, non‐wiki‐based versus newer wiki‐based knowledge management systems have different sets of factors affecting usage and infusion. Both extensions to the base model have a greater impact on wiki‐based systems as opposed to non‐wiki‐based systems. Reciprocity expectation was found to have a contradictory significant negative influence on infusion of wikis. Additionally, personal innovativeness in IT moderates the usage and infusion of wikis more so than for traditional knowledge management systems. These results support a more robust model for analyzing the utilization of such technologies.


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