The generation of capillary‐gravity solitary waves by a surface pressure forcing

The generation of capillary‐gravity solitary waves by a surface pressure forcing

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Article ID: iaor20122865
Volume: 82
Issue: 6
Start Page Number: 958
End Page Number: 967
Publication Date: Feb 2012
Journal: Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
Keywords: numerical analysis

A weakly nonlinear model is used to study capillary‐gravity waves generated by a traveling localized surface pressure distribution. The weakly nonlinear model is a truncation of the potential flow equations in deep water, and includes cubic nonlinear terms. Numerically, solitary waves are shown to be generated by a near‐monochromatic, subcritical forcing. The presence of these solitary waves is predicted using a forced nonlinear Schrödinger equation.


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