Hidden Genes Genetic Optimization for Variable‐Size Design Space Problems

Hidden Genes Genetic Optimization for Variable‐Size Design Space Problems

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Article ID: iaor20131958
Volume: 156
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 450
End Page Number: 468
Publication Date: Feb 2013
Journal: Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
Keywords: heuristics: genetic algorithms, heuristics

This paper introduces the biologically inspired concept of hidden genes genetic algorithms; they search for optimal solutions to global optimization problems of multimodal objective functions with a variable number of design variables. A fixed chromosome length is assumed for all solutions in the population. Each chromosome is divided into effective and ineffective segments. The effective segment includes the design variables for that solution. The ineffective segment includes only hidden genes. Hidden genes are excluded in objective function evaluations. The effect of the hidden genes on the convergence of the genetic algorithm is studied. Two test cases are presented.


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