Article ID: | iaor20131125 |
Volume: | 16 |
Issue: | 2 |
Start Page Number: | 155 |
End Page Number: | 171 |
Publication Date: | Jan 2013 |
Journal: | International Journal of Operational Research |
Authors: | Chandrasekar K, Venkumar P |
Keywords: | production, combinatorial optimization, heuristics: genetic algorithms |
Cellular manufacturing system (CMS) is based on the principle of similar things should be done similarly. Cell formation (CF), within cell machine layout design and cell layout design are important steps in design of CMS. The existing models for solving CMS problems are focused mainly on CF. The design of machine layout and cell layout are considered in few research papers. The most of existing research papers have used binary data for CFs. They do not focus on production volume, operational sequences, production cost, inventory and other production data. In this research work, hierarchical genetic algorithm (HGA) approach is used to solve the CF, within cell machine layout design and cell layout design. The input data for this design of CMS is machine‐part incidence matrix with operational sequence. The grouping efficiency and the grouping efficacy are used to measure the effectiveness of the CMS design. The results and consistency of the HGA are compared with earlier approaches and the results are presented. The proposed algorithm gives best results when compared to the earlier approaches.