Chaotic imperialist competitive algorithm for optimum design of truss structures

Chaotic imperialist competitive algorithm for optimum design of truss structures

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Article ID: iaor20124913
Volume: 46
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 355
End Page Number: 367
Publication Date: Sep 2012
Journal: Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization
Authors: , ,
Keywords: engineering, design, heuristics

The imperialist competitive algorithm is a new socio‐politically motivated optimization algorithm which recently is applied for structural problems. This paper utilizes the idea of using chaotic systems instead of random processes in the imperialist competitive algorithm. The resulting method is called chaotic imperialist competitive algorithm (CICA) in which chaotic maps are utilized to improve the movement step of the algorithm. Some well‐studied truss structures are chosen to evaluate the efficiency of the new algorithm.


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