Moving averages with random coefficients and random coefficient autoregressive models

Moving averages with random coefficients and random coefficient autoregressive models

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Article ID: iaor19922005
Country: United States
Volume: 7
Start Page Number: 511
End Page Number: 525
Publication Date: Sep 1991
Journal: Stochastic Models
Authors: ,
Keywords: time series & forecasting methods

Consider the series equ1where equ2 are iid equ3-valued random vectors and equ4are random matrices independent of the equ5. Under suitable summability conditions on the equ6, if the distribution of equ7is multivariate regularly varying at ∞ then so is the distribution of the sum. Application is made to stationary solutions of the first order random difference equation in equ8, equ9 and to the pth order random difference equation equ10. Under the circumstances where explicit solution of the difference equations is impossible, this provides some information about the form of the solution.


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