Mobility behavior of the elderly: an attitude‐based segmentation approach for a heterogeneous target group

Mobility behavior of the elderly: an attitude‐based segmentation approach for a heterogeneous target group

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Article ID: iaor20126143
Volume: 39
Issue: 6
Start Page Number: 1079
End Page Number: 1103
Publication Date: Nov 2012
Journal: Transportation
Keywords: statistics: inference

The western population is ageing. Based on the assumption that the elderly are a quite heterogeneous population group with an increasing impact on the transport system, mobility types of the elderly were identified. By means of 1,500 standardized telephone interviews, mobility behavior and possible determinantes including infrastructural, sociodemographic and attitudinal variables, were assessed. The most important factors, identified by five regression analyses, served as type‐constituent variables in a series of cluster analyses. The final cluster solution resulted in four segments of the elderly named Captive Car Users, Affluent Mobiles, Self‐Determined Mobiles, and Captive Public Transport Users. The groups showed distinct mobility patterns as well as significant differences in infrastructural, sociodemographic and attitudinal variables. The study provides a more comprehensive understanding of the diverse lifestyles, attitudes, travel behavior and needs of the elderly. Furthermore, it identifies starting points for the reduction of car use.


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