Ad‐hoc cluster and workflow for parallel implementation of initial‐stage evolutionary optimum design

Ad‐hoc cluster and workflow for parallel implementation of initial‐stage evolutionary optimum design

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Article ID: iaor2012350
Volume: 45
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 197
End Page Number: 222
Publication Date: Feb 2012
Journal: Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization
Authors: , ,
Keywords: design, numerical analysis

Numerical optimization and especially topology and shape optimization are typically numerically very comprehensive due to implicit models, large number of variables, high non‐linearity, possible infeasibility of candidate designs and related causes. It usually has to be implemented by coupling heterogeneous program environments such as evolutionary optimizers, computer‐aided geometric modeling programs and simulators such as finite‐element based analysis packages. This paper develops a workflow‐based numerical system that serves the purpose of integrating, harmonizing and managing these distinct components in such a way that it provides the functionality needed for the inverse problem of evolutionary initial‐stage topology‐ and shape synthesis. The approach based on inserting and optimizing holes is developed using chained piecewise Bezier curves and/or surfaces for shape parameterization. The procedure developed here employs existing off‐the‐shelf software packages for computer‐aided design, finite element analysis and numerical optimization while building custom middle‐ware programs and scripts. It also provides for parallel invoking of different and/or multiple simulators which reduces the optimization run‐time by widening the critical bottle‐necks in the overall process. The system is implemented inexpensively as an ad‐hoc PC‐based cluster where individual computers expose server programs and respective services which control locally installed simulators.


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