Genetic algorithm for chance constrained reliability stochastic optimisation problems

Genetic algorithm for chance constrained reliability stochastic optimisation problems

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Article ID: iaor20125278
Volume: 14
Issue: 4
Start Page Number: 417
End Page Number: 432
Publication Date: Jun 2012
Journal: International Journal of Operational Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: combinatorial optimization, heuristics: genetic algorithms, simulation: applications

This paper addresses the chance constrained reliability stochastic optimisation problem, in which the objective is to maximise system reliability for the given chance constraints. A problem specific stochastic simulation‐based genetic algorithm (GA) is developed for finding optimal redundancy to an n‐stage series system with m‐chance constraints of the redundancy allocation problem. As GA is a proven robust evolutionary optimisation search technique for solving various reliability optimisation problems and the Monte Carlo (MC) simulation, which is a flexible tool for checking feasibility of chance constraints, we have effectively combined GA and MC simulation in the proposed algorithm. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is illustrated for a four‐stage series system with two chance constraints.


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