A rational approximation based on Bernstein polynomials for high order initial and boundary values problems

A rational approximation based on Bernstein polynomials for high order initial and boundary values problems

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Article ID: iaor20115715
Volume: 217
Issue: 22
Start Page Number: 9438
End Page Number: 9450
Publication Date: Jul 2011
Journal: Applied Mathematics and Computation
Authors: , ,
Keywords: numerical analysis

We introduce a new method to solve high order linear differential equations with initial and boundary conditions numerically. In this method, the approximate solution is based on rational interpolation and collocation method. Since controlling the occurrence of poles in rational interpolation is difficult, a construction which is found by Floater and Hormann is used with no poles in real numbers. We use the Bernstein series solution instead of the interpolation polynomials in their construction. We find that our approximate solution has better convergence rate than the one found by using collocation method. The error of the approximate solution is given in the case of the exact solution fC d+2[a, b].


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