Article ID: | iaor20121053 |
Volume: | 31 |
Issue: | 1 |
Start Page Number: | 79 |
End Page Number: | 113 |
Publication Date: | Sep 2001 |
Journal: | Algorithmica |
Authors: | Eidenbenz S, Stamm C, Widmayer P |
Keywords: | graphs |
Past research on art gallery problems has concentrated almost exclusively on bounds on the numbers of guards needed in the worst case in various settings. On the complexity side, fewer results are available. For instance, it has long been known that placing a smallest number of guards for a given input polygon is NP ‐hard. In this paper we initiate the study of the approximability of several types of art gallery problems. Motivated by a practical problem, we study the approximation properties of the three art gallery problems VERTEX GUARD, EDGE GUARD, and POINT GUARD. We prove that if the input polygon has no holes, there is a constant