Fuzzy logic in manufacturing: A review of literature and a specialized application

Fuzzy logic in manufacturing: A review of literature and a specialized application

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Article ID: iaor20115932
Volume: 132
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 258
End Page Number: 270
Publication Date: Aug 2011
Journal: International Journal of Production Economics
Authors: , , , ,
Keywords: programming: linear, production

Manufacturing decisions inherently face uncertainties and imprecision. Fuzzy logic, and tools based on fuzzy logic, allow for the inclusion of uncertainties and imperfect information in decision making models, making them well suited for manufacturing decisions. In this study, we first review the progression in the use of fuzzy tools in tackling different manufacturing issues during the past two decades. We then apply fuzzy linear programming to a less emphasized, but important issue in manufacturing, namely that of product mix prioritization. The proposed algorithm, based on linear programming with fuzzy constraints and integer variables, provides several advantages to existing algorithm as it carries increased ease in understanding, in use, and provides flexibility in its application.


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