Workload control under continuous order release

Workload control under continuous order release

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Article ID: iaor20113839
Volume: 131
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 257
End Page Number: 262
Publication Date: May 2011
Journal: International Journal of Production Economics
Authors: ,
Keywords: Workload control

Workload control is a production planning and control concept specifically designed for complex manufacturing environments. Past research on Workload control has been essentially focused on discrete order release. This means that release of orders to the shop floor takes places on a periodic basis. Continuous order release has been somehow neglected, in spite of its apparent potential for improving system performance, including the reduction of order flow times. This paper presents a simulation study of this order release approach. The study contributes for improving the basis for setting workload norms, selecting the workload control strategy and deciding upon routing alternatives under continuous order release.


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