A heuristic for multi-project scheduling with limited resources in the housing industry

A heuristic for multi-project scheduling with limited resources in the housing industry

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Article ID: iaor1992926
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 49
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 80
End Page Number: 91
Publication Date: Nov 1990
Journal: European Journal of Operational Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: networks: scheduling, heuristics

A heuristic scheduling and control model is developed for the multi-project, resource constrained scheduling environment. The model is developed from actual firm data using the Kurtulus and Davis approach to select appropriate heuristic decision rules. Resource profiles, calculation of multi-project resource constrained slack and the schedule are outputs of the model. A routine to update current projects status is provided with this model for control purposes in an ongoing operational environment. While developed for the housing industry, the modelling approach has broad application in a number of multi-project environments.


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