Technology as a driver for competitiveness to Indian ready‐made garments' supply chains

Technology as a driver for competitiveness to Indian ready‐made garments' supply chains

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Article ID: iaor20108660
Volume: 8
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 47
End Page Number: 65
Publication Date: Dec 2011
Journal: International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management
Authors: , , , ,
Keywords: clothing industry, information systems

The current business dynamics have led to the adoption of technology for various business strategies. The inter‐play of factors like globalisation, technology, outsourcing, supplier collaborations and customer relationships are fuelling the drive towards efficiencies. In this light, the paper makes an attempt to identify the driving factors for adopting technology for making supply chains competitive. It explores the adoption of Information Technology (IT) in Indian clothing retail supply chains, the information accessibility prevalent in the Indian supply chains. Primary research was conducted on the various ready‐made clothing/garment retailers and the IT use levels were identified in the supply chain.


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