A multi-objective re-assembling policy model and its implementation in the case of a network of personal computers

A multi-objective re-assembling policy model and its implementation in the case of a network of personal computers

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Article ID: iaor2010563
Volume: 59
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 391
End Page Number: 398
Publication Date: Jan 2010
Journal: Computers & Mathematics with Applications
Authors: , , ,
Keywords: geography & environment, supply & supply chains

Re-assembling identical or similar deteriorating systems which are elements of a network (for example, a network of personal computers) from used and new parts represents a special case of closed loop supply chains management. Environmental gains may incur, since the life cycle of used components may be extended by re-using them instead of putting them into the waste stream. These benefits are assessed using a case study referring to personal computers. The problem examined is to find proper re-assembly policies in a time period, under a limited budget as well as re-assembly and compatibility constraints, so as to obtain the Pareto optimal solutions for the overall performance and the total environmental savings.


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