Integration of air pollution control technologies in linear energy-environmental models

Integration of air pollution control technologies in linear energy-environmental models

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Article ID: iaor19921008
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 47
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 306
End Page Number: 316
Publication Date: Aug 1990
Journal: European Journal of Operational Research
Authors: , , , ,
Keywords: pollution

In most of the European countries the level of the ambient air pollution is unsatisfactory. Accordingly, in 1986 the Commission of the European Community started a research project Energy and Environment, with the aim of extending the energy model EFOM by an environmental module and applying it for the analysis of national air pollution control strategies. The study is being carried out by the authors and participating institutes in member countries of the European Community. This report demonstrates the methodological procedure for the integration of emission reduction technologies into the model. Scenarios are defined and, moreover, verified and validated model results from the Federal Republic of Germany are described.


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