A stigmergy-and-neighborhood based ant algorithm for clustering data

A stigmergy-and-neighborhood based ant algorithm for clustering data

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Article ID: iaor200970310
Country: India
Volume: 15
Issue: 1
Publication Date: Jan 2009
Journal: International Journal of Management and Systems
Authors: ,
Keywords: heuristics: ant systems

Data mining, specially clustering is one of exciting research areas for ant based algorithms. Ant clustering algorithm, however, has many difficulties for resolving practical situations in clustering. We propose a new grid-based ant colony algorithm for clustering of data. The previous ant based clustering algorithms usually tried to find the clusters during picking up or dropping down process of the items of ants using some stigmergy information. In our ant clustering algorithm we try to make the ants reflect neighborhood information within the storage nests. We use two ant classes, search ants and labor ants. In the initial step of the proposed algorithm, the search ants try to guide the characteristics of the storage nests. Then the labor ants try to classify the items using the guide information that has set by the search ants and the stigmergy information that has set by other labor ants. In this procedure the clustering decision of ants is quickly guided and keeping out of from the stagnated process. We experimented and compared our algorithm with other known algorithms for the known and statistically-made data. From these experiments we prove that the suggested ant mining algorithm found the clusters quickly and effectively comparing with a known ant clustering algorithm.


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