Analysis of business process efficiency based on task assignments

Analysis of business process efficiency based on task assignments

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Article ID: iaor200970299
Country: South Korea
Volume: 26
Issue: 1
Publication Date: Mar 2009
Journal: Korean Management Science Review
Keywords: simulation: applications

This paper purposes analyzing how task assignments influence on business process efficiency, and improving business process efficiency in Business Process Management (BPM) environments. For this purpose, task assignment is categorized into dynamic assignment and static assignment. Dynamic assignment binds a user to a task at process run-time, whereas static assignments assigns a task to a user at process build-time. So far, the influence of task assignment methods has not been studied. We, in this paper, analyze the business process efficiency using two different assigning rule, in terms of cycle time as a efficiency measure. The comparison result can provide a guideline for a company who wants to employ commercial BPM systems.


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