Transgenetic computations: an application to the quadratic allocation problem

Transgenetic computations: an application to the quadratic allocation problem

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Article ID: iaor2009656
Country: Brazil
Volume: 22
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 359
End Page Number: 386
Publication Date: Oct 2002
Journal: Pesquisa Operacional
Authors: ,

This paper introduces the Computational Transgenetic approach. The metaphor is based on the use of memetic pieces of information and on the extra and intracellular flows to design and accomplish genetic manipulation in the chromosomes of a given population of an evolutionary algorithm. The research develops two algorithmic approaches. The first algorithmic approach uses both the intra and extra-cellular flows to guide an evolutionary search process. The second one uses, uniquely, intracellular manipulation. Computational Transgenetic agents are presented. Properties resulting from chromosome × agent interactions, similar to the natural immunologic process, are examined.


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