Decision-making process under uncertainty in international investments in offshore exploration & production of petroleum: a multicriteria approach

Decision-making process under uncertainty in international investments in offshore exploration & production of petroleum: a multicriteria approach

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Article ID: iaor2009486
Country: Brazil
Volume: 25
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 331
End Page Number: 348
Publication Date: Sep 2005
Journal: Pesquisa Operacional
Authors: ,
Keywords: decision theory: multiple criteria

This paper presents the theoretical developments in techniques of decision-making analysis in petroleum exploration and production projects, from economic evaluation using Discount Cash Flow up to and including a presentation of the Multi-Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT), which enables consideration of typical risks and uncertainties in international petroleum upstream investments in a new competitive situation among firms. Finally, a case study of the MAUT was developed and applied to define priorities among ten offshore exploration opportunities around the world offered to a fictitious Brazilian petroleum multinational company, according to decision-makers' preferences regarding operational, political and technological issues.


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