Cooperation between artificial neural networks and technical ‘classic’ estimates of demand for a series of sales of beer in Australia

Cooperation between artificial neural networks and technical ‘classic’ estimates of demand for a series of sales of beer in Australia

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Article ID: iaor2009344
Country: Brazil
Volume: 22
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 345
End Page Number: 358
Publication Date: Oct 2002
Journal: Pesquisa Operacional
Authors: , ,
Keywords: neural networks, forecasting: applications

The main goal of this article is to evaluate the complementation between forecasting techniques, in particular Neural Networks. The environment of the application is a foreign industrial sector, sales of beer in Australia. Most of the forecasting models act in a separate way, that is, treating problems through different views that exclude one another. The suggestion of this work is to use the methods in a cooperative way, looking forward to achieve better results. The article begins with some considerations on Time Series Studies, followed by a brief characterization of Neural Networks and the other methods used on this work. Continuing, the case is presented and discussed and finishing, conclusions and a list of references.


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