A prediction based iterative decomposition algorithm for scheduling large-scale job shops

A prediction based iterative decomposition algorithm for scheduling large-scale job shops

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Article ID: iaor2009272
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 47
Issue: 3/4
Start Page Number: 411
End Page Number: 421
Publication Date: Feb 2008
Journal: Mathematical and Computer Modelling
Authors: , ,
Keywords: job shop

In this paper, we present a prediction based iterative decomposition algorithm for solving large-scale job shop scheduling problems using the rolling horizon scheme and the prediction mechanism, in which the original large-scale scheduling problem is iteratively decomposed into several sub-problems. In the proposed algorithm, based on the job-clustering method, we construct the Global Scheduling Characteristics Prediction Model (GSCPM) to obtain the scheduling characteristics values, including the information of the bottleneck jobs and the predicted value of the global scheduling objective.


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