Elitist genetic algorithm for assignment problem with imprecise goal

Elitist genetic algorithm for assignment problem with imprecise goal

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Article ID: iaor20084701
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 177
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 684
End Page Number: 692
Publication Date: Mar 2007
Journal: European Journal of Operational Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: heuristics: genetic algorithms

The objective of this research paper is to solve a generalized assignment problem with imprecise cost(s)/time(s) instead of precise one by elitist genetic algorithm (GA). Here, the impreciseness of cost(s)/time(s) has been represented by interval valued numbers, as interval valued numbers are the best representation than others like random variable representation with a known probability distribution and fuzzy representation. To solve these types of problems, an elitist GA has been developed with interval valued fitness function. In this developed GA, the existing ideas about the order relations of interval valued numbers have been modified from the point of view of two types of decision making viz., optimistic decision making and pessimistic decision making. This modified approach has been used in the selection process for selecting better chromosomes/individuals for the next generation and in finding the best as well as the worst chromosomes/individuals in each generation. Here two new crossover schemes and two new mutation schemes have been introduced. In order to maintain the feasibility with crossover operations, a repair algorithm has been suggested. Extensive comparative computational studies based on different parameters of our developed algorithm on one illustrative example have also been reported.


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