An axiomatic approach to noncompensatory sorting methods in multi-criteria decision making, II: more than two categories

An axiomatic approach to noncompensatory sorting methods in multi-criteria decision making, II: more than two categories

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Article ID: iaor20084643
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 178
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 246
End Page Number: 276
Publication Date: Apr 2007
Journal: European Journal of Operational Research
Authors: ,

A number of recent papers have investigated the foundations of methods allowing to sort multi-attributed alternatives between several ordered categories. This paper has a similar objective. Our analysis uses a general conjoint measurement framework, encompassing most sorting models used in MDCM, that was proposed in the literature. Within this framework, we provide an axiomatic analysis of what we call noncompensatory sorting models, with or without veto effects. These noncompensatory sorting models contain the pessimistic version of ELECTRE TRI as a particular case. Our analysis can be seen as an attempt to give a firm axiomatic basis to ELECTRE TRI, while emphasizing its specific feature, i.e., the rather poor information that this model uses on each attribute.


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