Location of public schools: summary of some lines of experience in Brazil

Location of public schools: summary of some lines of experience in Brazil

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Article ID: iaor20084497
Country: Brazil
Volume: 24
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 111
End Page Number: 131
Publication Date: Jan 2004
Journal: Pesquisa Operacional
Authors: , , ,
Keywords: location, urban affairs

This paper reports a methodology for locating public elementary schools in urban settings. The proposed methodology is divided in two complementary parts: the evaluation of the current location and a relocation proposal. In addition to the methodological review the paper outlines five studies made in Brazilian cities or large areas, which are: Nova Iguaçu, Nilópolis, Niterói, Ilha do Governador and Fortaleza. The study emphasizes the methodological evolution from paper maps up to geocoded maps using softwares of the GIS family (Geographic Information System) such as ArcView and GeoRedes. The study also evaluates the managerial importance of each one of the five studies.


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