The k-means range algorithm for personalized data clustering in e-commerce

The k-means range algorithm for personalized data clustering in e-commerce

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Article ID: iaor20084486
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 177
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 1400
End Page Number: 1408
Publication Date: Mar 2007
Journal: European Journal of Operational Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: datamining

This paper describes the k-means range algorithm, a combination of the partitional k-means clustering algorithm with a well known spatial data structure, namely the range tree, which allows fast range searches. It offers a real-time solution for the development of distributed interactive decision aids in e-commerce since it allows the consumer to model his preferences along multiple dimensions, search for product information, and then produce the data clusters of the products retrieved to enhance his purchase decisions. This paper also discusses the implications and advantages of this approach in the development of on-line shopping environments and consumer decision aids in traditional and mobile e-commerce applications.


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