A set T of permutations of a finite set is said to be transformation complete if the orbits of , the group generated by T, acting on , the power set of , are exactly the set of subsets of having the same cardinality, where the orbit of is . This paper studies the transformation completeness properties of suppressed variable permutation and complementation (SVPC) transformations with act on Boolean variables with domian being . An SVPC transformation with r control variables is an identity on the n-cube except on an (n-r)-subcube where the acting is like a variable permutation and complementation (VPC) transformation on n-r variables, . Let be the set of all SVPC transformations on n variables with r control variables. It is shown that is transformation complete for . In particular, it is shown that . where and are the symmetric group and alternating group of degree , respectively. , i.e., the VPC transformation group on n variables, is not transformation complete, however, Thus, one control variable is necessary and sufficient to make transformation complete.