Single machine scheduling under market uncertainty

Single machine scheduling under market uncertainty

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Article ID: iaor20084384
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 177
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 163
End Page Number: 175
Publication Date: Feb 2007
Journal: European Journal of Operational Research
Keywords: programming: branch and bound, stochastic processes

This paper considers single machine scheduling problems where job processing times are known and deterministic but where the reward received upon completion of a job changes stochastically over time according to Brownian motion. The objectives of maximizing expected net-present-value (NPV), minimizing the variance of NPV and maximizing the probability of achieving a minimum benchmark NPV are considered. For non-preemptive static list policies complexity results and branch and bound procedures are presented. The branch and bound procedures are shown to be effective for problem instances with 20–25 jobs. For the problem of maximizing NPV with non-preemptive dynamic policies the optimal static schedule is shown through empirical testing to be as good as a greedy heuristic and to be near optimal when the variance is not large.


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