New results on the single server queue with a batch Markovian arrival process

New results on the single server queue with a batch Markovian arrival process

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Article ID: iaor1992336
Country: United States
Volume: 7
Start Page Number: 1
End Page Number: 46
Publication Date: Jul 1991
Journal: Stochastic Models

The versatile Markovian point process was introduced by M.F. Neuts in 1979. This is a rich class of point processes which contains many familiar arrival process as very special cases. Recently, the Batch Markovian Arrival Process, a class of point processes which was subsequently shown to be equivalent to Neuts’ point process, has been studied using a more transparent notation. Recent results in the matrix-analytic approach to queueing theory have substantially reduced the computational complexity of the algorithmic solution of single server queues with a general Markovian arrival process. The paper generalizes these results to the single server queue with the batch arrival process and emphasizes the resulting simplifications. Algorithms for the special cases of the PH/G/1 and MMPP/G/1 queues are highlighted as these models are receiving renewed attention in the literature and the new algorithms proposed here are simpler than existing ones. In particular, the PH/G/1 queue has additional structure which further enhances the efficiency of its algorithmic solution. Also, the two-state MMPP/G/1 queue, which has applications in communications modeling, has an extremely simple solution.


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