An algorithm for the ⟨r,s⟩-domination number of a tree

An algorithm for the ⟨r,s⟩-domination number of a tree

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Article ID: iaor20084074
Country: South Africa
Volume: 23
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 51
End Page Number: 58
Publication Date: Jan 2007
Journal: Orion

Suppose that at most r units of some commodity may be positioned at any vertex of a graph G = (V, E) while at least s(≥ r) units must be present in the vicinity (i.e. closed neighbourhood) of each vertex. Suppose that the function f : V ↦ {0, …, r}, whose values are the numbers of units stationed at vertices, satisfies the above requirement. Then f is called an s-dominating r-function. We present an algorithm which finds the minimum number of units required in such a function and a function which attains this minimum, for any tree.


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