A note on group decision-making based on concepts of ideal and anti-ideal points in a fuzzy environment

A note on group decision-making based on concepts of ideal and anti-ideal points in a fuzzy environment

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Article ID: iaor20084050
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 46
Issue: 9/10
Start Page Number: 1256
End Page Number: 1264
Publication Date: Nov 2007
Journal: Mathematical and Computer Modelling
Authors: , ,
Keywords: fuzzy sets

In a recent paper by Kuo et al., a fuzzy multicriteria decision analysis method based on the concepts of ideal and anti-ideal points was presented. This note illustrates with a numerical example that the method presented by Kuo et al. is not correct and can evaluate more than one decision alternative as the best even if they are not Pareto optimal at all. The fundamental reason for this is because the closeness coefficient values adopted by the authors do not reflect the superiority or inferiority of decision alternatives and cannot be used for ranking purpose. Corrections to their method are therefore suggested.


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