Density based fuzzy c-means clustering of non-convex patterns

Density based fuzzy c-means clustering of non-convex patterns

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Article ID: iaor20084030
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 173
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 717
End Page Number: 728
Publication Date: Sep 2006
Journal: European Journal of Operational Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: fuzzy sets, programming: nonlinear, datamining

We propose a new technique to perform unsupervised data classification (clustering) based on density induced metric and non-smooth optimization. Our goal is to automatically recognize multidimensional clusters of non-convex shape. We present a modification of the fuzzy c-means algorithm, which uses the data induced metric, defined with the help of Delaunay triangulation. We detail computation of the distances in such a metric using graph algorithms. To find optimal positions of cluster prototypes we employ the discrete gradient method of non-smooth optimization. The new clustering method is capable to identify non-convex overlapped d-dimensional clusters.


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